BANNER.JPG (3213 bytes)


Script & Images: sudo64

The Brain virus was the first ever IBM PC virus made. It's story is quite the interesting one, so let's check the virus first.


Monitor_1_20230817-223813-316316.png (5672 bytes)

So here as we can see, we have our A: drive, with the virus in it.
Launching the virus, shows no prompt at our screen BUT, the floppy disk activity goes high for 1 minute approx.

Monitor_1_20230817-224124-861861.png (5636 bytes)

Restarting the machine shows nothing too alerting. BUT if we take a look at our A: drive:Monitor_1_20230817-225409-479479.png (5452 bytes)

We can see that Brain has succefully infected the master boot record of the floppy (which would make it unbootable) and changes the drive's label to BRAIN (doesnt really work on 86box for some reason.)


Technical stuff

When launching the virus, its infects the boot sector of the drive and then moves the boot sector, and marks it as being bad. Its also infects the first 5 kilobytes on the floppy disk, with a message:

"Welcome to the Dungeon (c) 1986 Amjads (pvt) Ltd VIRUS_SHOE RECORD V9.0
Dedicated to the dynamic memories of millions of viruses who are no longer with us today - Thanks GOODNESS !! BEWARE OF THE er... VIRUS : this program is catching program follows after these .....$#@%$@!!!" (Source: Wikipedia)


Brain was created by 2 pakistanian brothers, who wanted to protect their software from piracy. Yes, the first IBM PC virus was for against piracy, quite crazy. The Brain virus is also known as the first boot sector viruses as we showned earlier.

And that marks the end of this Virus Showcase, see ya later mate !

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